AK Elite 1.4



  • Effortlessly rank for long tail phrases that pin point potential buyers and suck them ino your funnel
  • NEVER have to worry about creating original content… and all the headaches that come from THAT process
  • ALWAYS have the hottest, freshest, highest converting stuff on your site… to ensure a loyal fanbase and RAPID growth in a short amount of time
  • Generate TONS of traffic… without spending a DIME!
  • Quickly demonstrate “Authority By Association” which lets you charge MORE for whatever it is you are trying to sell
  • Immediately tap into trending topics for MAX viral exposure
  • And much more…
  • Manage multiple blogs in one location (depending on the license you choose)
  • Quickly find targeted articles through multiple “Feeds”
  • Insert the curated articles with one click
  • Format your post for SEO with the click of your mouse (h1 tags and all that stuff are normally so confusing – not here!)
  • Quickly search for images which are legal to use (that’s important — The ability to make sure the images you get have rights for you to use them saves your ass legally!)
  • Quickly search for and review targeted YouTube videos — Insert media you find into your post with one click (NO embed code – now that’s what I like!)
  • Create crazy looking memes in the meme editor with a royalty free image that you obtain using the image browser – post directly to your blog, Facebook timeline or schedule to fan pages.

AK Elite CAN drive traffic to your ebook and get you lots of exposure, but that doesn’t mean anything if you can’t get a lot of sales. If you really wanna take your sales to the NEXT level, there are some specific, killer strategies that can help you get there…

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