Inspyder Power Search – Find the Needle in your Haystack

Power Search from Inspyder is the easiest way to search and scrape data from virtually any website. Crawl websites to look for specific words and phrases, or use Power Search to scrape and save data using our innovative point-and-click interface.

Features and Benefits


Easy to Use

Just enter a website URL, your query, and click ‘Go!’


Low Cost

Power Search has a one-time cost. No monthly fees and no limits on pages or sites crawled.


Scrape Website Data

Save website data to CSV or XML formats.


Regular Expression Support

Parse data from a website using the power of Regular Expressions.


Query Library

Use predefine Queries (such as “Email Addresses”, “Phone numbers” and “Proper Names”) to get up and running fast.


Scheduled Crawling

Automatically collect and save data on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.


Why Power Search?


Power Search enables you to quickly search a website for content that is not normally indexed by search engines. Searching within a website’s HTML code, Power Search provides powerful query and scraping tools to help to locate and scape the data you need.

Web Scraping

Power Search’s “Scrape” mode allows you to point-and-click your way to extracting structured data from websites, easily capturing information such as product names, descriptions, part numbers and prices.

  1. Just set your Query Type to “Scrape”
  2. Open the Scrape Editor and train Power Search on one product page.
  3. It will automatically crawl an entire site to look for similar pages and extract the data for you.

Deep Searching

  • Utilize Exact Match, Wildcards or Regular Expressions to create specialized searches that find virtually anything on a website.
  • Find HTML snippets, JavaScript fragments or other data buried deep on a site, across all pages.
  • With Regular Expressions and Wildcard matches the possibilities are limitless.

Take a Look in the Library

Even if you’re not technical you can make the most of Power Search by using the some of the most common queries as contained in our Query Library. Need a list of email addresses published on your website? No problem. Pop open the Query Library and select the appropriate predefine query.

Load Your Database or Excel

Power Search allows you to export all your results to CSV (comma separated) and XML files. CSV is the most popular format and is compatible with Excel and most database applications. It’s easy to load your data into 3rd party tools for additional analysis.

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