Sitebulb 7.2.10 – Website Crawler Tool
Ready-made recommendations
Hundreds of context-specific hints that highlight important issues and show you what to focus on.
Identify technical SEO problems without having to dig around for hours.
Data visualization
Graphs and charts to help you understand what the data actually means. They also look awesome in your client reports.
Audit websites of any size
Crawl 500,000+ URL websites (without rinsing your entire budget on ‘crawl credits’).
Audit comparison
Track historical trends and changes over time.
See what has changed and demonstrate improvements graphically.
Flexible PDF reports
Print PDF reports for any section of your audit and choose which elements to include.
Create different reports for different use cases: sales, client or C-level reporting.
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App need update, does not crawl at all.
version 4 is out, please update
version 5 available, kindly update
ver 7 please update it
Updated to latest version