Yellow Leads Extractor 9.1.5
Yellow Leads Extractor is the new and powerful tool designed to extract data both from the yellow pages of different countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, etc.) and from the Italian white pages (via the source). Below we want to show the ease of use of this extractor that will allow you to collect data on your potential customers. The data that Yellow Leads Extractor manages to capture is: name / company name, address, city, zip code, country, phone, fax, email address, website, map link, details link. If the email address is not present on the yellow pages website, the software is able to scan the company website in search of an “official” email address.
Yellow Leads Extractor allows user to make 100% customizable searches in a browser. When you have this program then you no need to do lots work to get information from the yellow pages. You only need to enter category and location. After entering these information when you will click on the get data option after that all information will be extracted.
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